Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I like making theater because...

It's the closest i can get to being a kid again. so maybe i'm running around like a fool sometimes, but i've really enjoyed getting this show rolling. the preview week of OFF Stage has been all about digging trails and building forts. it's been meeting the other kids down the block, and not knowing whether to let 'em use your ball or throw pine cones at 'em. it's sucks that i can never ever be 12 yrs old again, but this past week i've had the Balls.

i had such a great time working with the Balls director, Helena. night-by-night we've worked on those Balls and by the end of the week those Balls were working for us. Balls the play is Paul Foster's creation, but the Balls are Helena's creation - my job: hang the Balls! so this involved some tree climbin' - great, i'm a kid up there. i got 'em tied up there, and yes, there's the same scrapes and scabs, too. some of us on 9th street have even reverted to the multiple snickerings of unavoidable wordplay.

all of the pieces in this show have turned out so well, and they've really taken on the site-work concepts that have already made me see the East Village in a whole new way. making the Balls go for Helena is so terrific for me. i can't wait for the next couple of weeks. the theater is so much fun to me when i get the chance to play like this.

1 comment:

gaby said...

Saw the show tonight and gotta say I'm totally in Johnny Byrne's shoes: amazed, moved, optimistic about New York and theater and New York theater, and proud proud proud to call you my friends. With deepest respect and all my love, Gaby